If there is one thing that defines firms that will #defaultthrive in this new era it is an obsession with value.
Where is it, where should it be, who gets it and where is it hiding?
We have seen high-growth tech CEO’s who nail it:
1. Deeply obsess over their value
Deeply obsess over their value – and driving this choice into execution. They know who they were born to serve and invest R&D $, talent and time in driving the value for those people.
2. Interrogate their data to ensure that still rings true
They use every part of evidence and discipline to challenge the “ICP” and value segmentation with bottom-up rigour vs. top down opinionHere’s how at Cruxy we used everything in our armoury (including 2B data points win our Cockpit) to do just that. Driving a value segmentation from a “deck” into reality.